Motherhood Ponderings

I have been seeing a lot of posts on social media about women who don't feel a connection to motherhood. Saying they are tired of feeling guilty for wanting things outside of the home. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, but I do not connect to it at all. I see people responding "AMEN!" For me motherhood IS my calling. I feel connected to it. I do not think I am a perfect mother and I have plenty of days where I am certain that I am ruining my children, but I don't desire something else. I do feel guilty when I go do other things, but not because I am enjoying myself and I feel badly about it, but because I don't want to miss anything.  I like spending time with my kids. I do need alone time, but not as much as I used to. 

I think it is good to do what makes you happy and for me that is being a mother, an all in mother.
