Our Adventure Part V: Madison WI

I got another Groupon deal for Madison, WI. We got to our hotel kind of late and headed out to get some pizza for dinner. I found a pizza place nearby that I thought was going to be a restaurant. It ended up being a pick up type location. No seating. So, we played in the parking lot while we waited for our food and went back to our hotel where Jack got pizza sauce all over the room. It was lovely.

We enjoyed some continental breakfast in the morning and headed out for Ann Arbor, MI to visit my sister.

We drove through Illinois, which was a pleasure. We had to stop about 10 times for tolls roads. The first one we drove right through because our GPS said to stay in the left 3 lanes. Don't make our mistake. Fortunately the toll booth operator at our next toll told us that we could just pay it online. I was worried we were going to have some huge fine. Then we passed through Indiana and into Michigan.

Next up:Ann Arbor
