Blog Absence

Sorry for the recent absence. I promise it was for good reason.

This little nugget:

 Is going to be a big sister!

I am 20 weeks along (really 20 and a half to be exact). Our little bundle of joy is due to arrive the 25th of February.

Now for a few FAQ:

Were you sick? Yes, very. I was very sick with Mia starting at week 6 until about week 17. This baby started making me nauseous at about week 5 and ended at about week 15. This sickness was much worse than with Mia, but it ended earlier which makes it seem so much better.

How much weight have you gained?  While I find this a very personal question I do understand that people have no boundaries when you are pregnant. I lost 6lbs from being so sick and as of my last doctors appointment I hadn't gained that back. We don't keep a scale in our house so I can't tell you what my weight gain is until I go to my next appointment.

Are you hoping for a boy? Nope, all I want is a healthy baby. I honestly don't care what I have as long as it has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and is healthy.

Are you finding out what you are having? Nope. We didn't find out with Mia and we have no plans of finding out this time.

Do you get ultrasounds? Nope, I would if I thought there was anything wrong. Since I am healthy and have had a healthy pregnancy before I don't feel the need to get one.

Have you felt the baby kick? Yes, I started feeling movement at about week 15. This baby's movements are so different from the violent insanity that Mia did while in the womb.

Was the pregnancy planned? Yes, we decided to start trying when Mia turned 2. I found out 3 weeks later we were pregnant. I am very fertile and I come from a long line of extremely fertile women. I am the woman that people with fertility struggles hate.

We are so excited to meet this little one. I will try to keep you all updated on my pregnancy over the next few months. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I am pretty open about these kinds of things.


  1. Congratulations! How wonderful! I was very sick with Lucy (from about week 6 to week 14). I'm already worried about how I'll handle the next one! I'm glad you made it through the rough patch!


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