Guess Who's Back

Back again...

So, I have been away from blogging for a long time again. One of my goals for the year was more blogging. Really if I post 3 times this year it will be more. Here we go:

I will do a quick 2017 wrap up.

We moved halfway across the country to CO. Jacob switched careers and is doing his dream job now. It has been a huge adjustment for all of us, but we like it here and he loves his job.

Mia finished kindergarten in June and turned 6. We started homeschooling for first grade. More on that later. She also tried gymnastics and ice skating.

Jack turned 3. He is still hilarious, confident, sweet, and WILD. He started going to a preschool class once a week. He loves it. He took swim lessons and is super confident in the water. He got his first library card and is obsessed with Batman.

Fox turned one. He doesn't have any extracurricular activities. He loves the park, pool, hiking, playing with his big brother and sister, and any book from the Little Blue Truck series.

I started homeschooling this year. It is a new experience that I am enjoying and Mia seems to be too. Life is good.
